Exodus 2022

In 2022 the Good Book Club dove into the first twenty chapters of Exodus from Epiphany, January 6, to Shrove Tuesday, March 1.

The second book of the Bible, Exodus recounts the journey of the Israelites from slavery to freedom. We hear the great stories of Moses, from his discovery by Pharaoh’s daughter on the bank of the river to the burning bush to his presentation of the Ten Commandments. Along the way, we encounter God’s covenant and explore the grand theme of redemption.

Click here for the list of readings in English and Spanish.

Other resources from Forward Movement and partners are offered to enhance your reading experience, and to learn with others. Highlights include:

  • Exodus 101:Want a basic primer on Exodus before you start reading? Read an introduction to Exodus here.
  • Introducing Exodus with Vicki Garvey:For six weeks this Epiphany, meet with other students from around the world for a live, online class on the Book of Exodus with Vicki Garvey, a respected teacher and author and canon for lifelong education at the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. In this free class, Vicki will teach about the context and themes of the Book of Exodus. Classes will meet live on Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST starting January 6. Register here.